Hi, This is my first time in Singapore! WARALEE’s DAY have joined the Public Garden, Singapore.
24-25 Sep 2016, 1PM-7PM at Suntec Convention Hall 403.
☆ If you are searching for a simply & easy to use bag, a clothing to wear for everyday or need simplicity looks so you should to visit us.
♡ Contact us for more detail.
✎ www.waraleesday.com
✎ www.facebook.com/WARALEEsDAY
✎ Direct message on instragram
✎ Line @waraleesday
☆ Moreover, welcome to visit our website, facebook, instragram to find more product.
♡ Public Garden #publicgarden@publicgarden

Very nice customer ^^ Thank you for your supporting us 😘✨💓

See you again, Singapore. Love love love.
Worldwide Shipping, Wholesale & Retail 🇹🇭🇯🇵🇬🇧🇺🇸